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Teaching Clients with ADHD Mnemonic for Memory

4.25 CE hours, ASWB Hours, NBCC Hours, NAADAC Hours

ASWB ACE #1778, NBCC ACEP #7078, NAADAC ACEP # 218310

  • Self-study and self-pace. Inclusive to all learners

  • Self-paced, reading-based online activity

  • Course Level: Intermediate

  • Visual presentations- all modules contain pdf file power point presentations, supporting research and documents, quizzes at the end of each module and evaluation form​

  • Date of Course Update: 10/2021

  • Course Developed by: Dr. Samantha Dutra

  • For more information on Studio CE go to

  • For Accommodations, refunds or questions/ thoughts go to


Learning objectives


A. Assessment & Identification of ADHD In Adult & Child Populations

B. Examination of Strategies Including Memory Techniques

C. Analyze Mnemonics for ADHD


Description of Course


Within this course, you will assess and identify the various ADHD populations both in children and adults. You will examine strategies to assist those with ADHD specific to memory techniques. You will also analyze a range of mnemonic strategies which can be applied in practice.



Outline & Agenda for this Course



Week 1 Overview

1. Download, Watch & Study Power Point: MODULE A in File Tab

Teaching Clients with ADHD Mnemonics for Memory

.75 Continuing Education Hours

2. Review and Study the Literature Journal Article on Working Memory in Children in: Files or download from here:

3. Read & Review How to Guide, Accommodations and Logistics on taking your course.

(.75 Continuing Educational Hours)

Week 2 Overview

1. Download, Watch & Study Power Point: MODULE A in File Tab

Teaching Clients with ADHD Mnemonics for Memory

2,25 Continuing Education Hours

2. Review and Study the Literature Journal Articles on Impaired Memory and Metacognitive Interventions in those with ADHD in: Files or download from here:

(2.25 Continuing Educational Hours)

Week 3 Overview

1. Download, Watch & Study Power Point: MODULE C in File Tab

Teaching Clients with ADHD Mnemonics for Memory

1.25 Continuing Education Hours

2. Review and Study Article Theory of Mind in: Files or download

3.. Take Mandatory Final QUIZ

4. Mandatory Evaluation Form:

Complete the evaluation form at the following link. Copy and Paste the link in a new browser to complete. Then copy and paste the same link to the URL section or text box within CANVAS. You will be graded full points after completion.

5. Please fill out in order to receive your CE hours certificate. After complete attestation form, please copy and paste the same link in the URL section or text box section within CANVAS for submission.

Mandatory Attestation Form:

(1.25 Continuing Educational Hours)

Total CE Hours: 4.25

Teaching Clients with ADHD Mnemonics for Memory, 4.25 CE Hours

  • How to Complete Your Course- 4 Easy Steps

    1. Email to request assistance with registration for Studio CE trainings. Or Purchase directly on website:


    2. Upon receipt of your purchase you will be sent an invite from CANVAS to join the class(es) to your email. You will also receive an email from Dr. Dutra with your unique code(s) to enter into your free student CANVAS account to enter the course. Please send the name and credentials you would like on your CE certificate(s) to


    3. Each Training is complete with power points, handouts and quiz or quizzes. You must receive a 90% or more on the quizzes; unlimited time and attempts are available. Each weekly module also gives an overview. You may complete each week module as quickly or slowly as you wish, and you do not need to go in order, it is entirely up to you. Modules are organized into weeks for assistance with time management, but all Studio CE courses are self-paced.


    4. Upon completion all of all power point and handouts viewings, quizzes and evaluation forms, you will notice an attestation form at the end of your training as a listed assignment to sign agreeing that you completed all requirements of the program. Copy and paste both evaluation form and attestation form links into CANVAS for credit. This is mandatory for your CE certificate. You then will be issued a certificate via email within 1 business day that shows your name, credentials, CE hours amount and all other Studio CE LLC identifying information. The attestation form and evaluation forms are required in order to receive your CE Certificate. 


    *** Studio CE aims at providing quality trainings at little cost to mental health and addiction professionals nationwide. As new research arrives, trainings may be updated for quality and most pertinent information. As a CE subscriber, you will be given notice of any changes to trainings, provided with updated materials and necessary documents ***


    Accommodations: Most of the training materials are in PDF format for those with visibility impairments, PDFs can be sound activated using the read aloud feature. If any accommodations please contact Dr. Dutra at or at 781-218-9773.


    Thoughts? Opinions? Grievances? Please address any grievances to Dr. Dutra at or at 781-218-9773. We are happy to assist and support any issues promptly that may arise.


    Grievance Policy:

    Studio CE and Social Worker Consultant will handle refund requests, complaints about course content, speakers, facilities, nonreceipt of certificates, and other miscellaneous occurrences promptly within 90 days of receipt of complaint.

    CEO of Studio CE, Dr. Samantha Dutra as well as Staff will handle disputes. If there is any conflict of interest, this will be taken into consideration and addressed accordingly.

    With any grievance, Studio CE will work towards removing the possible perception of bias, lessening risk for the person serving in multiple roles, providing additional perspective to problem resolution, strengthening decisions regarding complaints or disputes, and maximizing objectivity in all areas of content, delivery methods, training and other means of Studio CE.

    This policy is available upon request and within Studio CE’s website. Grievances are kept confidential, within record and used to improve the future courses within Studio CE. Documentation of all actions taken with grievance are recorded and kept within Studio CE record, including resolutions.

    DISCLAIMERS OF STATEMENTS/WARRANTIES: Accommodations & Grievances.

    Studio CE offers a %100 money back guarantee within thirty days from the date of purchase if subscriber wishes to forfeit service. Subscriber is no longer applicable to receive certificate or CE credit if refund is granted. Any grievances or accommodation need for training purposes may be directed to Dr. Dutra at or 69 Appleton Street, Arlington, MA 02476.


    Questions? Email or call/ message 781-218-9773.

    Samantha Dutra, EdD, MEd, LMHC, NCC © Studio CE LLC, Samantha Dutra 2020-2021.

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