Studio CE was created during pandemic to offer a wide array of low cost trainings to psychology professionals nationwide. Dr. Dutra is the sole creator for the courses at Studio CE. For more information on Presentations, CE Courses, Credentials Please use the contact form at the bottom or email directly to sdutra@samanthadutrallc.com.
Dr. Samantha Dutra
I have an earned doctorate in education from Endicott College in Higher Education and Leadership. I have been an instructor both online and on ground at Middlesex Community College, Endicott College Van Loan School, Lasell University, Fitchburg State University and Bay State College. I currently teach online for Bay State College of Boston, MA. In addition to this, I am the Professional Development Coordinator for the New England College Personnel Association. My recent political interests include my position of elected town meeting member for Arlington, member of the equal opportunity committee in Arlington as well as member of the league for women voters of Arlington. I also have participated in many endeavors on capitol hill during representative meetings to voice concerns about the Medicare issues, opioid crisis and community impact.
I have graduated with my Masters in Education, specializing in mental health and addictions counseling from Cambridge College. This educational preparation has enhanced the versed knowledge I acquired in my work experience. I have, conjointly, 12 years of experience in successfully counseling a versatile population, handling a case load of up to 60 clients, and in employee training and supervision - in both counseling and research environments. I had worked in an agency setting for over 7 years. I also provide the licensure supervision to those therapists working towards their licensure. In addition to this, I have been employed as an assistant faculty member for several years by Cambridge College, assisting the Chair of Human Services and Chair of Juvenile Justice. Currently, I am in private practice in Arlington, Massachusetts.
Throughout my career, I have naturally sought out multiplying levels of responsibility, which harbored the advancement of my leadership skills. I was honored to be selected as a guest presenter to speak at the 21st annual conference with the Association for Nontraditional Students in Higher Education (ANTSHE) at Johnson Smith University in North Carolina. I was also selected to present my dissertation results at Harvard University for the International Journal of Arts and Sciences at their annual conference in May 2020. I also have had the liberty to train and supervise other employees in organizational/ customer service, counseling and research techniques. As a leader in many educational and professional roles, I direct both by example and by facilitating a desire to learn and establishing positive, respectively beneficial working relationships in the process. Additionally, I have been frequently recognized for producing work of top-notch quality, working effectively and efficiently within timelines - always with the goal of making a positive impact on the agency and its clients/consumers. A few of the institutions I have worked within include Boston Medical Center, Tufts Medical Center, Department of Mental Health and Department of Development Disabilities